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Major Themes

Being the first Congress on Geoethics and Groundwater Management, the Organizing and Scientific Committees intends an unlimited and broad coverage of all possible subjects involved. Three Major Themes are proposed following an early wise suggestion from Dr. Partha Sarathi Datta, IAPG-India, and member of the Scientific Committee of the GEOETH&GWM’20 Congress. Each major theme will later be subdivided in proposed topics in order to assemble contributions in more specific sessions with methodological and aim’s coherence.

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1 - Fundamentals of Hydrogeoethics: Cultures, principles and geoethical values in the philosophy of groundwater resources, legal frameworks, policies, management models, professional practices and citizen action.

2 - Lessons for a resilient and sustainable future with Hydrogeoethics: Case studies of geoethics in groundwater science-engineering, profession and management.

3 - Scientific and humanistic components of Hydrogeoethics: Education and professional training of geoethics in groundwater management.

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